Friday 11 December 2015

Media text 2 - gossip girl.

Gossip Girl.
-Teen Drama. 
-What kind of show is it? Similar or different to PLL?
-How are women represented? (always looking their best to maintain their popular girl image)  ~ [relate to blair and serena.] -types of costume etc..

Mulvey's Male gaze : blair is dancing for chuck and removing her clothes. How does this present girls? how would the audience be affected?
- Does it reinforce or challenge traditional stereotypes? ~ dominant or alternative?
- How does the way they are represented in GG differ from PLL?

This image shows that these teenage girls are represented as sexually provocative girls who act older than they are and who are dependent on men. The girls in this image are showing a lot of skin; one girl is even wearing only a bra and her underwear. The rest are wearing dresses that have thin straps and one is wearing a dress without straps. They’re all wearing very revealing and promiscuous clothes which objectifies them as sexual objects and are lying on a bed – something considered sexual. 
 - Both the Male gaze (mulvey) and Female gaze (gill) can be applied here as all the teens, both boys and girls look sexually provocative. The way Chuck

Friday 4 December 2015

Critical Investigation Task #4: Essay plan
Are new television series, such as 'Pretty little liars' creating more equal representations of women, or are they reinforcing traditional stereotypes?

  • Women in the 21st century have made a progression towards breaking the glass ceiling as they are portrayed using equal representations between genders within tv series such as 'pretty little liars' 

Section 1: Introduction (250):
- Introduce with stating the progress of feminist movements in the last 50 years has.. 
- Negs & positives
- Brief summary on How women are represented in PLL.
- introduce historical texts, is the representation the same as it is in the modern era or has it changed? 
- state what the essay will be exploring.

Section 2: 

How are women represented in PLL. 
-What is PLL about
-how are women represented in PLL- Short summary on the impact representation of women Pretty Little Liars offers a refreshingly realistic portrait of positive relationships between high school girls, as well as one of the most balanced portrayals of a gay teen currently on television.  While the melodrama provokes and titillates, it is the realistic dynamic between the main characters that draws in viewers from surprisingly varied demographics and makes this show a positive addition to the television line-up aimed at young women.
- different types of stereotypes shown in the show
Link back to question

Texual analysis - opening of PLL

(see blog) - talk about how this represents women.
Link back to question

Section 3:

audience - how are they affected?
- Talk about their audience, who are they?
its target audience is teen girls,. 
     On social media, “Pretty Little Liars” was easily the night’s #1 most social TV show, as aTwitter TV audience of 3.8 million people saw over 426,000 tweets by more than 153,000 unique authors, generating over 19.9 million impressions. Moreover, “Pretty Little Liars” was Tuesday’s most engaging cable TV program with nearly 1.4 million engagements, including 684,000 on Instagram and 589,000 on Facebook, according to the ListenFirst Media Digital Audience Ratings for Television (DAR-TV).
- What do the audience feel about the streotypes? 
- how would it affect them?
- link back to texual analysis, how it affects audience/impact?
- theories? hypodermic needle; opinion leaders?
Link back to question

Section 4: 
historical text - 'charmed'
In this paragraph I will be focusing on the extract of charmed - fighting scene 
This scene is a fight scene of Phoebe, Piper and Cole against mythical creatures. 
·         This will be followed by the textual analysis - linking to women representations-alternative - goes againsts berger's theory of ways of seeing - check historical analysis on blog

·         In a separate paragraph I will link this scene to Feminism issues/debates and briefly include what the roles of women were in the 90's and how it is projected in this programme
·         I will end the paragraph by comparing my primary text to PLL opening sequence and refer back to my essay question. (This historical example establishes that the representation of (PLL characters) challenges the traditional female stereotypes - supporing my argument

Section 5:
Another text - Gossip Girl.
-What kind of show is it? Similar or different to PLL?
-How are women represented? (always looking their best to maintain their popular girl image)  ~ [relate to blair and serena.] -types of costume etc..

Theories - Mulvey's Male gaze : blair is dancing for chuck and removing her clothes. How does this present girls? how would the audience be affected?
- Does it reinforce or challenge traditional stereotypes? ~ dominant or alternative?
- How does the way they are represented in GG differ from PLL?

Section 6:

Issues and debates
moral panics. 
-There is a sense of moral panic as some events occur more than once, which makes the audience more concerned about the issue.
-how do certain events create a sense of moral panic in society?
“the mother of hanna agrees to get sexually involved with a cop so that hanna will not be charged for shoplifting and ruin their reputation.”

-causes controversy, talk about feminism..

Representations and stereotyping
A woman’s primary source of power lies between her legs; sex is a commodity.
[Relate to the previous scene about hanna's mum, using sex to protect her daughter]
displays that the price of a misdemeanour is the loss of consent and authority on the womans part and also a woman giving her up in this way is the only way to have some level of power. 
> quote from hanna's mum - (“In a small town like this, what people think about you matters… I buy you everything you need to be popular.”) ~ what does this show? how would this affect the viewers? Positive or negative? 

Media effects

Media effects, as audiences identify with the texts and may change the way they do certain things. As, after arguing the girls see where misunderstandings may have risen. The audiences could re-evaluate their lives after watching the show and make sure these issues don't occur in there lives.
Feminism through the show
>>How are women encouraged to behave due to feminism in the show? 
      ~encourages young girls and even older women to be strong in who they are and to trust those they surround themselves by. It reminds them to act with a noble character and be confident as a woman, even in the face of scrutiny or trials. [HOW?]  

-None of the girls regrets their eventual decision to have sex with their boyfriends at certain points in the show. All of them own their loss of virginity and their sexuality. Even Emily, who eventually embraces her sexuality of being a lesbian. 
-They spend more time discussing their problems with each other than with their boyfriends which each of them do have. They demonstrate a lack of trusting in each of their male counterparts before they are proven trustworthy over time.

. Often times, photos and reminders are taken and left for the girls from a distance. “A” does this to remind the girls that they are being watched carefully and scrutinized. They are never able to hide. This denotes the way our society views women. They are often judged and critiqued harshly by the way they act, dress and speak. There is a particular cultural model that society has for women to act by.

Section 7:

-          Answer the question .. In my opinion
-          Give a balanced argument and show that both sides are relevant

-          Based on my primary text and recent tv shows ; there has been some change in women representation / give examples 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Critical Investigation Task #3: Historical text analysis and research

By 'historical' we mean anything pre-2000 but the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or even 80s might be more fruitful because they pre-date many of the important changes that have occurred more recently (such as the gains for women as a result of feminism; or greater equality for ethnic minorities now that we are - arguably - a more inclusive and multi-cultural society; or the ground-breaking developments in new media/digital technology). 

The purpose here is to be able to demonstrate...
  • how society and the issue you are investigating has changed over the years and how these changes are reflected in different media texts, or - to put it another way...
  • how popular culture reflects the 'spirit of the age' or Zeitgeist
Ideally, you will watch at least one film/TV programme/video game/music video from the past, make notes on it and research it in Media/Film Studies textbooks and on the internet. The best option is to watch/play the whole text on DVD/online or otherwise you might be able to see extracts on YouTube. Answer the following questions:
  • How is it similar/different to your main text?
  • How does this show how the genre/society/issue has changed?
Through this you will become aware of developments in the genre you are researching. This task is designed to make sure you have a range of texts to refer to in your critical investigation essay (you'll need at least five including your main text and the historical text you analyse in this task). Remember: you should be able to link them to the wider contexts that were/are present at the time. It's also worth noting that you will be rewarded for considering your topic across different platforms.

If you can't get hold of an original copy of the text it's not the end of the world - you will be stuck doing secondary research. Just make sure you do plenty of it and find out information from a few different sources.

As ever, list your historical text(s), research, textual analysis and links/bibliography in a detailed blog post (or simply add to your ongoing Notes and Quotes post).

Historical Text Analysis: (0.13s - 1m.50s)
This scene is a fight scene of Phoebe, Piper and Cole against mythical creatures. 

There seems to be a disequilibrium (todorov) as the scene begins when we see smoke coming out of the garage and the 3 characters in the scene (Phoebe, Piper and Cole) seem to look puzzled. The disequilibrium continues as the fight scene starts and carries on up until the creatures disappear. There is an Alternative representation of women in this scene as instead of being shown as weak the girls are shown as strong and able to put up a fight for themselves which challenges the traditional 
The scene goes against Berger's ways of seeing as instead of 'men act and women appear' as in this scene the 2 female characters are fighting the creatures while the man is standing on the side and watching.

Costume - The outfits worn by the characters seem to look quite outdated and modest. Both girls, Phoebe and Piper, are covered with their clothing. This could be down to the fact of the trends for clothes back when this was filmed may have been in style or it could be due to how society allowed women to dress - compared to pretty little liars, the costumes are more modest in charmed, maybe because they are much older. However, in PLL there is more freedom in terms on clothing as they seem to be wearing quite inappropriate clothing in unsuitable situations.  
Lighting - In this clip, the use of high-key lighting provides a more realistic feel of a sunny day by using more filler lights. 
Actors facial expressions - at the start of the scene, Piper's eyebrows are furrowed which shows a sense of confusion as she uses gestures to point at the smoke coming out of the garage. The gestures play a vital part in Charmed as the girls use them to control their powers. the strength of the gesture seems to vary depending on what they need to use their spells for. when the creature comes for piper, her facial expressions seem shocked as her eyes become wide and her mouth suddenly opens before she ducks down.
Make-up - they have light natural make up on. 

Settings - Seems to be a abandoned area, warehouse or garage from which 3 creatures emerge. this disequilibrium notifies us of a potential fight scene as there is an action code presented (barthes).

There is also a binary opposition (levi-strauss) in the scene of 'good vs' evil'. This is presented between the mythical creatures and the main characters who are trying to fight them off.

At the end of the fight when the creatures have the upperhand, Cole (the male), saves the girl which shows reinforces the traditional stereotypes that woment still rely on a man to protect them if worse comes to worse.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Critical Investigation Task #2: Bibliography


Beloff, Z. (2008 , February 18). Exploring ‘Women’s Voices’: Feminist Film Studies and Cultural Studies. Week 7. Retrieved november 25, 2015, from Debates In Feminist Research Weblog - Wordpress.:
Blogger. (2011, November 7). Fictional Programming: Pretty Little Liars. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from Word Press:
Blogger. (2013, April 16). Feminism in Pretty Little Liars. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from Word press:
Bronstein, P. (2014, September 21 ). From a Different Perspective, Is There a “Pretty Little Liar” We Can Trust? Retrieved 12 10, 2015, from Feminspire:
Feasey, R. (Fall 2005). The “Charmed” Audience: Gender and the Politics of Contemporary Culture. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from
Matthews, D. (2015, August 15). How Pretty Little Liars managed to outrage its most devoted progressive fans. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from Vox Culture:
Melvin, K. (2013, June 2 ). Gender & Media - Pretty Little Liars. Retrieved November 20, 2015, from Prezi:
Sandonato, N. (2014, May). History of Gender Representations in Teen Television. Lincolnshire, England.
Santiago, M. (2013, Spring Term ). Little Women - Female representation in teen films. Orlando, Florida.
Simmons, A. (2013, December 17). Representation of gender - Women. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from Slide Share:
Smcmediastudies. (2011, Nov 21). The representation of women in the media. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from Slide Share:
Waite, C. (2010, June 17). Top 5 Anti-Woman Myths in ABC Family’s “Pretty Little Liars”. Retrieved Novemeber 20, 2015, from Ms Magazine - blog:

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Critical Investigation Task #1: Textual analysis

Textual analysis.. 

"The Lady Killer" Emily and Nate fight scene
Issues and debates 
Representation and stereotyping;

This scene is a fight scene between Emily and Nate the stalker. It starts with a disequilibrium (Todorov) then when she stabs Nate, a new equilibrium is restored as the bad guy dies. Nate is a false hero, he seemed like a good character but turned to be the villain (Propp's character theory)

There is an Alternative representation as it goes against the traditional stereotypes of women being weak and unable to fight the way men do. This scene goes against Berger's ways of seeing where men act and women appear as this scene is heavily focused on Emily and Nate fighting each other. It is a fight between a man and a woman where they are both are being equally represented as strong, also the girl ends up stabbing the guy which is also unexpected and and alternative representation than what we are used to. However, after the bad guy has been stabbed, a male (named Caleb) comes up with a gun and hugs Emily while she cries - this shows women are very emotional which is a dominant representation as it reinforces the traditional stereotypes of being a damsel in distress.

Costume - Both characters are wearing winter coats and dressed warmly. Emily's hair is all scruffy and messy which connotes that she has already been harassed and fighting to save herself.
Lighting - In the clip there is mainly the use of low key lighting which creates lots of shadows and silhouettes, especially due to the fact that it is night and they are fighting up in a lighthouse.
Actors facial expressions - Emily's brows are furrowed as she is scared and frustrated trying to call for help while Nate has an angry expression as he is out to kill Emily.Make-up - Both have light natural make up on and because Emily has been crying her eye make-up is slightly smudged but it is not that noticeable.
Props - The use of a knife is a form of iconography and signifies an action code as we know it is a fighting scene. (Barthes)
Settings - The scene starts of as Emily runs through a dark jungle which presents an enigma code (Barthes) as is creates suspense because we are not sure why Emily is running so fast and from who/what. - Then setting changes as she proceeds to a lighthouse which is where the main fight scene takes place.

In the Clip there has been the use of Non-diegetic and Parallel sounds. This is because the music is not from the diegesis. It has been added later (post-production) to add a suspense effect to the scene (creating an enigma code - Barthes). While Emily runs the pace of the music starts fast and as she approaches the lighthouse it becomes slower, almost thriller-like music.

The use of a suture (shot, reverse, shot) when Emily is standing in the lighthouse and trying to call for help stitches the audience into the story line as we are intrigued to know what has happened. When Emily is up in the lighthouse there is a close-up of her mobile which shows that she has no signal and she is calling for help, this then changes to a medium shot of her holding her phone and looking terrified which is evident through her facial expressions. Then there is another closeup of her mobile while she calls 911 which connotes that there is danger and sets another enigma code (Barthes). When Nate comes there is a jump cut which suddenly diverts out attention to focus on him. While Emily and Nate are fighting, there are some fast paced straight cuts which keep us intrigued into the scene.
There is a binary opposition (levi-strauss) of good and evil where Emily represents good and Nate represents Evil.

Opening credits.
The opening credits are a montage of lip gloss, nail polish, eye makeup, hair curls and high heels. The show seems to almost be fearful of a loss of traditional femininity in our society, and it compensates by relegating all the characters to hyper-feminine roles.This reinforces and creates a dominant stereotype of girls as this is how they are portrayed in real life Shows how heavily PLL focuses on the ‘pretty girl’ appearancePretty Little Liars’ pilot episode opens on a scene of five teenage girls drinking in a barn while a thunderstorm rages outside – this is a negative representation because of the fact that young teenagers are getting drunk in the middle of the night with no adult supervision.

Firstly the title sequence opens with an extreme-close up of a wide which is open widely and this represents the character who is dead. From her eyes we can see the type of person she may have been with the make-up she has worn which must represent how her personality was and this shows her costume. From watching this part the audience can identify that the person is not moving as it zooms in to her eye it aids in showing that she is not alive and creates a sense of enigma code for the audience as it creates suspense. There is then a straight cut to show another close-up which shows the girl adding lip gloss to her lips very slowly and effectively which engages the audience into knowing more and this shows how pale it is and this is then significant as it is conveying some kind of message to its audience. Their is then a fade cut showing a close-up of her feet showing to the audience that someone is putting it on her, which then represents she is dead as someone is dressing her up as we can see someone else hands. This follows n to another close-up shot of her hair being curled and then someone applying nail vanish on her nails which represents she is dead once again. When this is shown their is an instantaneous transition from one shot to the next, as it's a title-sequence this engages the audience having fast shots of diverse images.

The costumes are sophisticated as they are present at a funeral, however they are wearing short dresses which is how girls in the 21st century dress. The lighting used starts off quite dim which the montage is being presented. When the girls are shown there is top-key lighting used which is effective as it makes the character look more glamorous as only the filter lights are used and this makes them stand out to the audience. However their is also low-key lighting used in this as their is a sense of shadows at the back of her which makes it look effective however light and dark is less pronounced. 

The title sequence also consists of having diegetic sound which emphasises the characters emotions allowing the audience to feel the same way as the characters which represents how they are telling a story as the story lies in the lyrics "secret can you keep it" this is seen as a dominant representation as it reinforces the traditional stereotypes of girls keeping secrets and lying. The montage is showing all these features of the girls which is a short hand way of identifying them which gives a negative representation (Medhurst). However these representations can sometimes be true (Perkins) as girls in reality are perceived this and this makes the characters in the title-sequence to be aware of the deep secret and through their body language and facial expressions it shows the audience feel an action code is happening from the way they are performing at the end and they also feel nervous for them. Also the way it shows the four main protagonists it starts off with a establishing shot of them and this shows all the characters at once letting the audience analyse how they look which includes how their body language is, how their facial expressions are and what each protagonist is wearing (costume) and from viewing this the audience is able to visualize their personality. It then takes a fade cut to one of the characters showing a close-up where it shows her facial expressions and this moreover tells most things about the character and when she puts her finger to her lips it shows there is a secret and she wants the audience to keep it. Their consists of a violin being played as the shots are going continuously fast creating suspense, fear and tension for the audiences and indeed the characters. Enigma code and Action codes is Barthes theory which relates to the sound of the violin as enigma code is to do with narratives having mystery with unclear answers which leaves the audience  at the edge.

Friday 13 November 2015

Critical investigation Tutorial

Textual analysis looking like a real strength with Task #1 completed. Make sure you know exactly where the scene is from for referencing and referring to in the essay. Title sequence a good choice of scene to analyse.

Organisation of N&Q document is a bit all over the place on the blog but if it is clear on Word then this isn’t necessarily a major issue. However, books/academic journal research is a weaker area currently which we’ll need to look at now.

Academic books/journals – you have some in the research plan but haven’t looked at them yet. Need to address this over the next week alongside Task #2 which is your bibliography. There are a couple of PDFs already in the folder on the M: drive which gives you a starting point. Look over the dissertations from Google Scholar too – these will give you an academic perspective on your primary text. Keep looking and check the BFI catalogues too in case they have anything relevant.

Also check the books in DF07 carefully – there may well be a relevant chapter or quote you can use.

Go back to Media Magazine and look at the articles on gender, TV drama, representation etc. These are not strictly academic sources but still valuable.

Widen your search away from Pretty Little Liars and look at feminism, masculinity, sexism etc. more generally. This will create far more opportunities for academic book and journal research. You’ll definitely want plenty of feminist theory in your final essay – more general research away from your primary text is best for this.

I’d keep looking for more internet-based research – you’ve plenty of links so far, this needs to be more like 20-30+ by the end of the process. The Guardian is a great starting point as we’ve just looked (I know you have some links already).

All of this should help with Task #2 and your bibliography.

Copy this into a new blog post and write below your next three steps in your research.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Media Magazine Conference Notes

Bill Thompson:
What has the internet done for me?

  • open to innovation 
  • network is becoming seamless and very fast and accessible 
  • internet is commissive 
  • put in contract of other people - active citizenship
  • UK = negatively ; egypt = nut - access is not easy 
  • internet is valuable for free speech but not safe

Little brother - Cory Doctoron
  • internet delivers freedom of speech 
  • major way of communicating 
  • much of a space as a medium 
Internet replacing many things e.g. newspapers

ways we use the internet:
  • connection
  • information
  • political action
  • financial reward
  • games
  • learning
  • friendship
  • lantas and campaign (to make the world better)
  • gives us voices in our heads
  • Bullying - pornography (unwanted)
  • Images of child sexual abuse - extremism
  • Abuse - (content collapse) 
  • the dark web
  • open to diversity
  • digital info is hard to control
Lawrence lessig- code: (cyber space) online code is law
  • unless you understand there is no control
Danah Boyd - Its complicated
  • privacy

Natalie Fenton - Media, public's, protest, powers
  • 2011 - news of the world - Ruppert Murdock
  • Phone hacking scandal
  • newspaper = closed
  • many jobs lost 
Never simply about journalists behaving badly - is is about power - Nick Davis

Media power

power over:                                                                                
  • media content: audience                              
  • Journalists: goverment
power to:
  • censor: mislead
  • set the agenda

  • Media Democracy
  • Media= life blood of democracy diversity & plurality
  • giving is the ability to make informed choices 
  • hold powerful to account - hold platform for debate

Last few decades:
  • rolling online news - free newspapers 
  • cut+paste journalism - ' cut + paste from daily mail ' 
  • chasing audience number - journalists
Internet gives power to audience

Hackgate - Corruption of power 

Chris Jeffness - Documentary 
  • Entanglement of media & political ethics 
  • Relationsjip between governments and media "the sun not won it"
  • Over 50% of national UK papers sold are controlled by billionaires - Rupert Murdock
On Media Representation:
  • Shsan Hall - role of media 'common sense' definitions of majority and minority
  • group of clearance + normality 

Rob Warson & Pete Frusel - Film Production masterclass

Producer = overall control